Secret diary of daintymarchen

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Stupid assumptions

Can't stand it..
Now I really understand how RJ & MK felt..
My goodness!!! U have the clear piece of information.. why don't u juz give it to me right from the beginning to avoid all "misunderstandings" they may be??
Instead of telling me bits n pieces.. different bits different pieces....wasting everyone's time and energy ....
All along u have been the one who ASSUMED I know the whole process loh!!!
Let me tell u again.. I know absolutely NOTHING abt it.. n the file is absolutely of no use to anyone who do not understand the process n U are not helping in anything loh.
Imagine how much time would have been saved if u made things cleared and at least check if I know any bit of the process (??)
U need an explanation wat the word ASSUME spells?? Need MK to explain to u?? Hrmphz.



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