Secret diary of daintymarchen

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Thanks for the wonderful surprises buddies..

Received these 2 cards from one of my buddies, Jo, today. It's soooooooooo cool.. They are the single trip "fare card" for Taiwan's 捷运 and the pictures printed are from 几米's illustration books.. OMG OMG.. aren't they simply lovely???? Really touched that Jo took the trouble to stop his friends from using the cards and got them to buy new cards to use and brought them back for me cos he know I'll like them?? Such a sweet thought....and they are really lovely. I should really wrap them up and keep them well cos they are specially air flown!!!

Then there was this other surprise I got from Jo. It's part of my presents for last Christmas. It's a pink piggy handphone "stand" (is this what you call them??).. Many many months back when I was out with Jo & Paul, I went krazee when I saw this pink piggy on display in one of the shops cos its simply so PINK and cute!!! But I didn't buy it then..... And many many months down the road, I actually received it as a present and I am so touched that my friend actually remembered I almost went krazee when I saw it the last time. OMG OMG... Life is just so wonderful when u huff such thoughtful friends around u..

The following work day I happily brought it down to office and used it.. I found a nice corner and let my piggy sit happily on top of a box in one corner. It just fits so well....So happy!! :)

Cheers. =)


And of cos not forgetting Paul's thoughtful gifts too.. Thanks for the dvd set.. Yet to have time to sit down to enjoy... But I sure will... cos the actor is just soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute. hahaha..

Thank you so much Paul helping to carry the 9kg hi fi set too... It may not be really that heavy but its a big bulky box after all. Not easy having to carry it through crowds and travel here and there with it. Don't think I can do it without your help. Really really appreciate your help alot... Feel so paiseh bullying u today making u carry it around....But then I know u'll help ur buddy one right? *hiakz*

Been so long I've enjoyed nice music at home without "disruptions" haha..



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